A Melodic Mystical Journey To Ireland
Hosted by ELM
October 11 ~ 18, 2008
Join Earth Lightwork Missions on a melodic mystical journey to Ireland. Filled with sound, song, drumming, adventure, light, love and unity.
This journey takes us on tours to the The Megalithic Passage Tomb at Newgrange in Navan, near Dublin, Ireland. To the sacred tomb of Tara Hill and the Fourknocks Megalithic Passage Tomb. The Knowth Hertiage Site. Megalithic Art rich in symbolism and ancient languages.
Walk the labyrinth, dance with the faeries and ancestors, tone or sing your sound for the Earth.
We will gather and bring forth our sound and light to anchor into these sacred places.
This is a mission for lightworkers, spiritual seekers or those who feel the call to connect with those of like-mind and heart. Coming together to assist the advancement of the human consciousness on the New Earth.
There is no set itinerary for this journey though we will visit the above mentioned places and maybe some others. We will let Spirit guide us and allow the ancient land to show us where we are most required.

The first requirement is to be open in mind, heart and spirit. Leave your expectations and egos behind. We will journey not just as a group but as a family.
Hosted by ELM
October 11 ~ 18, 2008
Join Earth Lightwork Missions on a melodic mystical journey to Ireland. Filled with sound, song, drumming, adventure, light, love and unity.
This journey takes us on tours to the The Megalithic Passage Tomb at Newgrange in Navan, near Dublin, Ireland. To the sacred tomb of Tara Hill and the Fourknocks Megalithic Passage Tomb. The Knowth Hertiage Site. Megalithic Art rich in symbolism and ancient languages.
Walk the labyrinth, dance with the faeries and ancestors, tone or sing your sound for the Earth.
We will gather and bring forth our sound and light to anchor into these sacred places.
This is a mission for lightworkers, spiritual seekers or those who feel the call to connect with those of like-mind and heart. Coming together to assist the advancement of the human consciousness on the New Earth.
There is no set itinerary for this journey though we will visit the above mentioned places and maybe some others. We will let Spirit guide us and allow the ancient land to show us where we are most required.

The first requirement is to be open in mind, heart and spirit. Leave your expectations and egos behind. We will journey not just as a group but as a family.
Full Details & Book