Language of Light Sound Activation
Sunday, July 13th, 2008
6:00pm to 7:30pm (EST)
SIGN UP AND CONFIRM. $15.00 Donation
Through drumming, chanting, ancient and light languages we will assist in activating your cellular memory of language. Many of us carry these languages within our DNA. They are from our home planets and ancient lifetimes upon Earth. As we awaken to our grander being and expand our consciousness these languages will re-emerge. Let them flow and know that this is our future to be able to communicate again through the language of light.
Anita Sun Ray and I are honoured and blessed to be able to facilitate that which assists in re-emerging our higher aspects and re-connecting to our ancient brothers and sisters.In our Intuitive Energywork Anita and I use Sound Therapy and ancient or star languages in various forms to help clear, remove old energies, attachments, fear or thought patterns. Then activate or attune you to the new energies and your lightbody.
Anita Sun Ray & Christina from Earth Lightwork Missions & Lightworker Radio will be your facilitators. We have had requests from people who are not able to either attend our workshops because of distance and those who are familiar with our work asking to do further activation work. Anita and I work collectively with the Angels, Devic Kingdom, Whales & Dolphins, Native and Star People. We work and trust in the moment that what is required to serve the highest good for all will take place.
We are in the time of great acceleration. The Earth has moved into new energies and frequencies. Our bodies are constantly shifting, processing and assimilating the new frequencies and changes. Our DNA and cells are mutating as we ascend with the planet.
We also feel that by doing this as a group collectively we can move through our own ascension much more quickly.We will be doing these teleconference activations and attunements on a regular basis.
We ask that you come with an open mind and heart and know that each one of you will receive what you require in that time. Every one is different and will have their own experience. Please do not expect a certain outcome as that will only hinder your own journey. Anita and I are here to assist as best that we can and know that it is an honour for us to do so.
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